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Navigating the Waters of Liquidation of Company: A Comprehensive Guide

Shruti Goel
July 25, 2023

Liquidation of a company is a legal process in which a company's assets are sold off to pay its debts to creditors. This process is usually initiated when a company is unable to pay its debts or when it is determined that continuing its operations would not be economically feasible. In India, the process of liquidation is governed by the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), which was introduced in 2016.

The process of liquidation is typically initiated by the company's creditors, who petition the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) to order the liquidation of company. Once the NCLT approves the liquidation, a liquidator is appointed to oversee the process. The liquidator is responsible for taking control of the company's assets, valuing them, and selling them off to pay the company's creditors. The liquidator can also try to sell the Company (and its assets) as a going concern. Liquidator should try to maximise the value he can obtain during the liquidation process, to be able to distribute to the maximum extent.

liquidation of company

The journey of entrepreneurship is filled with triumphs, challenges, and occasional setbacks. In some unfortunate cases, a company may find itself unable to overcome financial distress, leading to the difficult decision of liquidation. Liquidation is a significant step in resolving financial crises and ensuring that creditors and stakeholders receive their due. At Ancoraa Resolution, we understand the complexities involved in the liquidation process and aim to provide valuable insights to those navigating these uncertain waters. In this blog, we delve into the intricacies of company liquidation, shedding light on its types, processes, and the critical role played by Ancoraa Resolution throughout this transformative journey.

Understanding Liquidation of Company

Company liquidation, also known as winding up or dissolution, is a formal process through which a company ceases its operations, sells off its assets, and distributes the proceeds to creditors and shareholders. This course of action is typically undertaken when a company is unable to pay off its debts or meets its financial obligations. By going through the liquidation process, companies can settle their debts in an orderly manner and provide a sense of closure for stakeholders.

Liquidation of Company Types

Voluntary Liquidation:

A) Members' Voluntary Liquidation (MVL):

MVL occurs when a company is solvent, and its shareholders decide to wind it down. This usually happens when the directors believe the company has achieved its purpose or is no longer economically viable. The process is carried out with the primary objective of returning any surplus funds to shareholders after settling all debts and liabilities.

B) Creditors' Voluntary Liquidation (CVL):

CVL comes into play when a company is insolvent, and its directors acknowledge that it cannot meet its financial obligations. In this scenario, the directors, shareholders, or creditors initiate the liquidation process. The goal is to realize the company's assets, sell them off, and use the proceeds to pay off creditors in a fair and equitable manner.

Compulsory Liquidation:

Compulsory liquidation is a court-ordered process initiated by external parties, such as creditors or regulatory authorities when a company is unable to pay its debts. The court intervenes to protect the interests of creditors and stakeholders by appointing an official liquidator to manage the liquidation process.

Role of Ancoraa Resolution in Liquidation of Company

At Ancoraa Resolution, we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive support and assistance throughout the company liquidation process. Our platform plays a crucial role in facilitating seamless communication and transparency among all parties involved. Here's how Ancoraa Resolution assists in the liquidation journey:

Easy Initiation and Documentation:

We understand that the first steps in liquidation can be daunting. Our user-friendly platform enables company directors or authorized personnel to initiate the liquidation process efficiently. With clear guidelines and prompts, users can submit the necessary documentation and information required to start the proceedings promptly.

Transparent Communication:

Liquidation involves multiple stakeholders, each with their interests and concerns. Through Ancoraa Resolution, all parties have access to a secure and transparent communication channel. Creditors, shareholders, liquidators, and regulatory authorities can interact, share updates, and address queries, reducing misunderstandings and disputes.

Asset Realization and Distribution:

The successful realization of a company's assets is essential in ensuring maximum returns for creditors. Ancoraa Resolution assists in listing and marketing these assets to potential buyers, maximizing their value in the process. Our platform ensures that the distribution of proceeds to creditors is carried out equitably, following the priorities established by insolvency laws.

Legal Compliance:

Navigating the legal requirements involved in liquidation can be overwhelming. Ancoraa Resolution offers comprehensive guidance and a clear roadmap to adhere to all legal and regulatory obligations. By keeping track of deadlines and necessary filings, we minimize the risk of delays or legal challenges during the liquidation process.

Expert Support:

Our team of experienced professionals is available to provide expert support and advice throughout the liquidation journey. We understand the emotional toll that liquidation can take, and our compassionate approach ensures that you are never alone during this difficult time.


The decision to liquidate a company is undoubtedly challenging, but with the right guidance and support, the process can be navigated with confidence and efficiency. Ancoraa Resolution stands as a steadfast partner, offering a seamless platform for communication, documentation, asset realization, and equitable distribution. Our commitment to transparency, legal compliance, and expert assistance ensures that the journey through company liquidation is handled with care and integrity. Remember, you are not alone; Ancoraa Resolution is here to guide you every step of the way.

About the author
Shruti Goel

Shruti is the operations specialist at Ancoraa. She is responsible for IP engagement, company research and operational excellence initiatives. She is passionate about and writes on topics of Insolvency Technology and administers Ancoraa’s flagship technology platform ‘Rezolution Engine’.

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