Have you supplied goods and services to a customer but have not been paid? Get in touch to understand how you can recover your dues.
Home Buyers
Has your builder failed to deliver the possession of your home? There’s a solution. Get in touch to understand how you can enforce your rights.

Are you a Bank, NBFC or a private lender and your borrower has defaulted? Get in touch to learn how our team of licensed Insolvency Professionals can help.
Are you a firm or an individual who has availed loans and are finding it difficult to repay? Our team has helped multiple clients over the years to emerge out of situations of financial distress. Get in touch with our team of licensed Insolvency Professionals to learn how we can help.

Personal Guarantors
Are you an individual who has guaranteed loans for a company which is in distress? Contact us to arrive at a resolution.
Are you an employee or a workman who has not been paid their dues by the employer? You can start the process for recovery of your unpaid salaries and wages. Get in touch to learn how our team of licensed Insolvency Professionals can help.